I still don’t get out much
>gi|geeky_picture|gb|silliness| Poster hanging on wall of university refectory
Lost? All is revealed.
>gi|geeky_picture|gb|silliness| Poster hanging on wall of university refectory
Lost? All is revealed.
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Delicious. Now, if I actually knew *anything* about bioinformatics…
You obviously haven’t been eating enough Fasta Pasta, for starters.
Hang on, Ricardipus; what’s your day job again?
I’m proud to say I forgot what FASTA was and actually had to think really hard for about 20 seconds about why the text underneath the photo was so weird.
HAHA 🙂 I almost shuddered a little thinking about all those files I created a few years back…. I’m such a geek.
@rpg – I am an administrative hack.
How’s this for geeky?
The anti-sense for Fasta Pasta is what my own kids coined “DNA Pasta” (Those nice helical coiled pastas–known by the Italians, I believe, as Rotini Pasta)
Steve. You’re sure they won’t sue you later in life for “turning us into geeks at a young age” ??? (TBH, I laughed at the cheer genius of it all. Children are truly wonderful with comments and ideas!)
Ah, maybe this is why they don’t serve alphabetti spaghetti in research cantines. Oh, how I’ve begged.
“Look, if we made this mutation we might lose enzyme activity!”….. “Hey, what are doing? Did you just monoubiqutinate my spaghettizyme?”
“Yeah, subtle hint that might want to degrade your dinner your stomach?”
“Ah, no, you’ve joined it to the wrong residue, better if you moved it here….”