We’ve had some interesting stuff up recently from contributors old and new. One of our most prolific fiction contributors, Portuguese scientist João Ramalho-Santos, continues on in his series of stories with Blind. João’s stories not only always have a single-word title, but they tend to show the grittier side of the scientific profession – the lot of the researcher who is not the best or who is slowly in the process of becoming disillusioned. We like his stories because they show an aspect of research that is very real but that is seldom acknowledged.

New to LabLit.com, we welcome John Flicker, who has contributed two original science poems. The first is called “Erudite lessons from cosmology”, and his second is coming soon. We do hope you enjoy them.

Finally, in today’s issue we feature the conclusion of Corrando Nai’s three-part essay celebrating 60 years (in 2013) of the discovery of the structure of DNA. I liked this instalment particularly because I learned a clever new use for DNA that has nothing to do with biology.

In other news, we’ve been sent a few new novels from publishers that look very much like lab lit – always exciting. We’ll let you know how we get on!